Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The beginning

About a month ago I decided to run a marathon-something I sometimes thought about, but never really believed I would do. I searched for close races and found the Pittsburgh marathon in May 2009. I recruited a friend to run it with me, printed off a map of the course and was so excited that night I could barely sleep. I bought a new pair of shoes and spent the next few weeks working up to 30 miles a week so that I could begin my training plan. I am now in my second week of training. I have completed my first long run of 10 miles. I am not nearly as excited as I was at first! It is hard to get out and run everyday by myself (my running partner lives about 50 minutes away). I am managing bad knees and have run for weeks with some nasty blisters (though, I have found some ways to manage them). I keep inspired by visualizing crossing the finish line with my friend and by keeping up on reading about others' stories of training and running tips. I also cling to what I now call my marathon verse: Isaiah 40:28-31 "Don't you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of heaven and earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out, he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint."


  1. wow i am super impressed, not that it's not easy to impress me b/c i often say that running is against my religion...seriously it is. but i'm super super impressed that you are tackling such and amazing task. i will definately be praying for your mind and body as you go for this!

  2. Heidi, you know I support you and will be praying for you daily to endure through the training and the race; and, for Morgan, too. You are an inspiration. Put some pictures on the blog, too. I'm very proud of you. Love you! Mom Pié
