Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Half

A lot has happened since I last wrote. I finished my 17 miler (in the pouring rain) and my 20 miler. I was able to maintain 10 minute mile pace the entire 20 miles. That gives me confidence that I can run a 9.15 mile pace to equal a 4 hour marathon, which is my goal. I think that being in the race environment, and my adrenaline will encourage me to go. Registration for the full marathon closed...before Morgan registered. However, she got on the waiting list, and just the other day they extended registration for those who were on the list. I thought I was in it alone for awhile. I may still be running alone (for at least some of it), because I think she may be planning on running a little over 4 hours. We'll see. Either way, I feel better knowing she's there.
The Cook Forest Half Marathon was last Saturday. I had (and still have) a bad cold. I wrestled with whether or not I should run it, not wanting to worsen my recovery from this cold. But, I did run. I didn't feel 100%, but I really pushed myself and was able to hit my goal time regardless of how I felt. My goal was to run under 2 hours, and I ran 1.50.51 (that is about 8.28 mile pace). Every time I wanted to quit, some runner would come along and encourage me. I kept thinking maybe they were angels! There was a huge hill at mile 12 that almost killed me (and everyone else for that matter!), but the very finish was down hill, so I booked it through the line. I am confident that I can shave off a few minutes in the future when I am healthy. But, I am happy with my results and excited to have done it.
Now I have about five weeks until the marathon. This week is a recovery week from the half. Then I have one more hard week, and then 3 weeks of tapering down so that I am rested and ready to go on May 3rd. By the way, I believe there are like 10,500 runners registered for the race. It's going to be crazy!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

2 Months To Go!!!

I'm now in week 13. In exactly two months, at this point in the day, I will have completed the marathon. That is crazy!
Last week was a trying a week-I got the flu, and then was unable to run for a couple of days because of pain in my right knee. I recouped from being sick. Instead of running, I went for a bike ride with Josh. It was cold, but sunny and beautiful outside. It was nice to do something other than run. And it was really cool to have Josh a part of my workout. I beat him up the hills, and he'd fly by me on the way down.
The half-marathon is less than a month away. I'm excited to see what that race feels like. I think it will give me some confidence for the full. At this point I have 3 daunting runs left-one 17 mile, and two 20 mile runs. I am planning to get the 17 miler out of the way this Friday. And if I stay on track this week, it will be my highest mileage week with 42.5 miles. We'll see! Pretty soon I'm going to need new shoes. I have over 366 miles on mine now. They say you should replace them every 300-500 miles to reduce your risk of injury. Here is one thing I know, when people pray with me, I feel great out there running. Praise God.